2010 Martxoa!!!
Martxoa 1
Uuummm arrai gozoaaa!!
Eskerrik asko Kamil!!Martxoa 2
La ceremonia del Té!!
Martxoa 3Zoixonaaaakkk!!!
paaaaaaaaaaaMartxoa 4
Post box!!!
Martxoa 5MArtxoa 6
Giant's causeway!!
Martxoa 7Eskerrik asko Pat, Gorka, Zuriñe ta Ana tourrarengatik!!
Izugarria izan da!!MArtxoa 8
John Lennon airport, Liverpool!!
In the town where I was born,Lived a man who sailed to sea,
And he told us of his life,
In the land of submarines,
So we sailed on to the sun,
Till we found the sea green,
And we lived beneath the waves,
In our yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
(Full speed ahead, Mr. Barkley, full speed ahead!
Full speed over here, sir!
All together! All together!
Aye, aye, sir, fire!
Captain! Captain!)
As we live a life of ease(life of ease)
Every one of us(every one of us) has all we need,(has all we need)
Sky of blue,(sky of blue) and sea green,(sea of green)
In our yellow(In our yellow) submarine.(submarine) ( Haha! )
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
Martxoa 9
Carrick-a-rede rope bridge!
Martxoa 10LondonDerry!!
Martxoa 11Kashmir tabernaren atean!!
Martxoa 12Belfast City Hall and Fucking wheel!!!
Martxoa 13Giant´s causeway goitik!!
Martxoa 14Zorionak Jaaaar!!
Ze, zenbat holako oparitu dizkizute gaurkoan??Paaaaaaaaaaaa
Martxoa 15
Stockport herriko museo bitxia!!
Martxoa 16Martxoa 17
Happy San Patrick´s day!!
San Juan, San Sebastian, Santo Tomas, kuadrila bereko beste bat hemen!!Martxoa 18
Luciaren lehen despedida!!
Tai Wu cantonese restaurant!!uuummmmm!!!
Martxoa 21
Donibane Lohitzune!!
Eskerrik asko asteburuarengatik politta!!Muuuxxuuuu
Martxoa 22
Martxoa 23
Manchester academy of English!!!
Here we gooooooooooo!!Hau da nere irakaslea
Martxoa 24
Auf Wiedersehen Hanna!
Martxoa 25CEIT-eko jendea Manchester konkistatzen!!
Eskerrik asko poteagatik Inigo, Miren ta Josema!!!Martxoa 26
Benetan erromara eramaten al du zubi horrek??
Laborategiko leihotik ateratako argazkia! Badakit ez dela asko ikusten, baina zuzenean pasada bat zan!!Martxoa 27
Red Chillin Lucia ta FErnandoren despedida II!
EA badoazen, horrenbeste afari ta bazkarikin bale baten antzera bueltatuko naizela etxera!!Martxoa 28
Aste hontan... berriro turisteoa!!
Martxoa 29Nando´s-en Lucia Ta Fernandoren despedida!!
y ya van tres!!Martxoa 30
GAurkoan Olentzero etorri zait!!
Eskerrik asko Lucia ta Fernandori!!Animo bikote ta zorte on!!!
Martxoa 31
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